
My question is, is it the correct (I.E. gamecube) version, or the inferior Wii one where Link is right handed because of some “90% of players are right handed, so it needs to match” nonsense? :P

I’m sitting at 315/310/310 with my characters. Ive beaten heroic Oryx multiple times. I’ve got every exotic weapon. I just don’t really have much left to do. I feel like I’m at a good point to throw myself into Fallout.

Low Intelligence High Luck is what I call a Thog run. Dumb as a brick but trips his way through encounters with ease.

Haha! Yeah I know that feeling. I just got do used to making luck add high as possible in new Vegas that I did a double take there for a moment.

Luck 2?! What madness is this?

Because pointing out a giant, glaring flaw in how their microtransaction system is set up and calling it insulting to the player is really advertising it.

Really have to disagree with you about Warlocks not being useful, Kirk. They’re your safety line in pretty much every encounter. Got something risky you HAVE to do? Send the Sunsinger. Detonating the bombs on the Oryx encounter, especially using the strategy you detailed, can often catch people out of the Aura and

Interesting. I’ve only run into the one on Venus that had the scrambled objectives. I’ll have to do some more poking around in the Dreadnaught after I get my exotic sword quest finished.

We are not. During the T3 Court of Oryx he works just like Crota. a special knight spawns that you have to kill to take the sword from it, then drop his shield to force him to kneel so you can wack at him with it.

During that initial bit where he spawns, there is no swordbearer.

and it drops a new calcified fragment, as well.

That guy is actually a T3 court of oryx boss. He’s the one for the current week. It’s basically a mini-Crota fight. Though I am pretty sure you can’t do anything to him during that mission, as there’s no sword bearer.

I have never felt smaller than when I first started the final fight of King’s Fall. But I will say no more than that.

I play the raids with pick up groups all the time. Quality varies, some groups get through faster than others, but it’s doable.

Me too, man. Me too. It just keeps dragging me back. Though I’ve managed to get set up for the Taken King to the point where I’ve been able to play Arkham Knight some. I mean...having 50k worth of Glimmer items stashed away is prepped enough...right?

My Warlock is fascinated by the fact we were returned to life, and is obsessed with understanding how. Because if that could be understood and replicated on a larger scale than just the Guardians...well.

I’d play the hell out of that. The world building they’ve done with the Grimoire cards is awesome. I love some of the little tales that pop up in it. Like Kabr and his doomed Fireteam. Eris and her illfated decent into the Hellmouth. The scientists on Venus and their escape from the Vex.

Autobots lost, because the players were all kill hungry morons that wouldn’t play the freaking objective! I swear to god every match, it was the same thing. No one paying attention to the map, and everyone running out trying to splat the enemy instead of covering ground.

I’m going to be disappointed if the raid exotic weapons don’t at least get carried forward some time down the line. Those are the trophy weapons of year 1. I want to be able to run through King’s fall with both!

She’s the special orders vendor. If you bought a collector’s edition, or qualified for the Tumbler Sparrow, or any of the emblems or shaders you got through a code redeemed on, she’s where the items appear in game for you to collect.

gamebrain89. Always good to have people to play with!