
I bought a wii copy a few months back on the recommendation of a friend, finally got around to playing it. I’m 107 hours in. My opinion has slowly shifted over the course of my playing. I started out thinking “Eh, this is okay. There’s way too many irrelevant sidequests, and the battle banter gets used way to much,

I had this exact reaction after I finally beat one of the bonus bosses in Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. **** that guy. GAH!

That was all Mikau had left. He falls to the ground, Link plays his healing melody, and we bear witness to a curious scene. Mikau's final thoughts? His passage to the beyond? It's unclear, but Link gives Mikau enough peace to let go, and Mikau imbues Link with the power of the Zora.

This includes the original games? Hot damn. I may not have a PC capable of running the remastered versions, but I sure as hell can run the original specs. SOLD.

The Dresden Files. Rereading the whole thing. Working on Small Favor right now. I freaking love these books.

"The building was on fire, and it wasn't my fault."

Working in south Wyoming, here. Playing right now.

..but I do! DAMN IT!

How heavy is the scent on it? I'm considering switching to this kind of shaving because my electric razor never does a good enough job and the gilette stuff is so expensive. But I live in a house with people with a high sensitivity to strong scents, so I'm wary.

How heavy is the scent on it? I'm considering switching to this kind of shaving because my electric razor never does

How heavy is the scent? Being in a house with people with strong sensitivity to perfumes and heavy odors (ie. breathing troubles and massive headaches), I'm wary of alot of this kind of shaving stuff, but I want to try it.

How heavy is the scent? Being in a house with people with strong sensitivity to perfumes and heavy odors (ie.

Majora's Mask is and will always be my favorite Zelda game. It's the first that really makes me feel like I'm playing as a True Hero with a capital H. The rest, you're a young man who's forced into a situation where he HAS to step up.

Can we organize the menu yet, so it's not one six mile long scroll to get to something you haven't played for a few days? Honestly, I love my PS4, but DAMN the menu layout is freaking irritating as hell, especially compared to how you could organize stuff by folders on the PS3.

I had the same thing happen to me. But Timebreaker's freaking badass as hell, so I felt less ripped off. At least it wasn't a sixth chatterwhite.

I really hope Bungie leaves dropping him off the cliff in the game, and just adapts to it rather than patching it out. Make it an if/then situation with a further mission down the line or something. If you've only beaten him by dropping him off the cliff, he reappears at some point as a side mission you're forced to

especially since the only places that drops them in decent quantities are the raid and nightfall strike. Oh, what's that? Don't have a lot of friends on regularly? Have fun grinding public events and daily story missions for it.

I've used the Silver Arrow, and it really doesn't feel too out of place. But yeah, the GLA is

I agree. I really enjoyed Fetch's prequel story. We don't really see as much of Fetch's *Person in a bad place* stuff in Second Son as I would have liked, and this added a nice bit of depth to her. Yeah, she's a kick ass fighter but she's still a frickin' druggie and not smart about her choices or actions. Also the

My digital games that aren't only mulitplayer only, like Warframe, work fine. Been playing Don't Starve just a few minutes ago, no internet connection.

Oh, II and 3D are utter crap, I will not argue that. But the first one is nowhere near as bad as that guy's penchant for hysterics make it out to be (See his review of Banjo-Kazooie Nuts and Bolts, which I enjoyed as a fun building block vehicle game. Dude's freaking incessant with his hate, and it's irritating as

Bubsy was one of the first platformers I remember playing with my uncle. We played that game together all the time, and I still have the genesis cart of it. Yes, the game is insane and nonsensical and has some issues gameplaywise, but I still like it.

Also, posting Jontron anything of it like it's a definitive argument

Hey now, I like Bubsy the Bobcat!