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    I was willing to put up with Bungie because previously, raid has been the real deal. However, Destiny 2's raid is freaking obstacle courses, and the the bosses you shoot at in the damage phase is a gear check. Calus/dogs do not require AI to move/shoot back. I stopped after I collected the unimpressive prestige gear,

    The guy is thinking “yes I’m gonna get laid tonight”, but then she pulls out her heart and he’s like “woah that’s way too kinky”

    afk hack that freeload off his team. this is shitty move unless he can do it in a room by himself.

    I played D2 to three 305 and beat prestisge legit. D2 should be compared to D1 TTK. There are tons of quality of life improvement but it is lagging content and incentives. It is also tons of game breaking glitches that shorting existing content: faction token cave, raid glitch for no add, coil/merciless glitch. D2 as

    alright, what am I missing out on PS4 exclusive this time around?

    Why does a person need gun that can shoot ammo that is the size of a finger? And at like 5 rounds per second? And why does one person need 20 of those guns in a month?

    So no need to call out the symbol? Just melee all bubble in the throne room? It’s not destiny if there is no cheesing raid boss.

    Close the door after you are clear no enemies are hiding in the house. There might be people camping in there, so closing door right away leave you open.
     After you clear the house and go back to close doors, you are at least facing where enemy might come in from. With no fear of someone jumping on you from behind.

    I tell myself, nothing is impossible. If Trump can be President, pigs can fly.

    I really wish Front Mission would make a comeback.

    It demands you to slow down too. Type too fast and it will jam on ya.

    Don’t forget to hire people for the first thousand likes to get thing started.

    I am the law.

    18's hair is anti-gravity.

    I guess it doesn’t hurt to wait til the server kicks in and balancing patch settled. Ubisoft’s games (division/rainbow 6) all need to wait a full year to be complete game or something.

    Well.. 4v4 is supposed to be chaos. I understand people are salty in those setting (coming from LoL). Revenge mode 1v4 is OP, as that one guy should run and wait for team respawn.

    The plain white one looks better. That’s how shitty the Destiny one is.

    Is it too late? Last I heard the player base was dropped to 5%. I sold my game after beating the campaign mode and some multiplayer lag/drop, +revenge gear bullshit. I wouldn’t mind repurchase it since it’s so cheap now-a-days, if the servers are decent. I’m surprised For Honor is still getting supported into

    lol at the description

    lol at the description