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    ok, but.. are we going to get this

    1:35 awkward handshake (as a nerd, I approve)

    xbox elite controller is $100 at costco. I read costco return/exchange policy is great and will come in handy with the faulty bumper buttons.

    xbox elite controller is $100 at costco. I read costco return/exchange policy is great and will come in handy with

    Soul cal and tobal are my memories of ps1 fighting game

    Kojima was the brand name of MGS. I would like to talk about how MGS Survive totally missing the “Infiltrate espionage”.

    I strongly suggest avoid getting pregnant when zombie apocalypse hits. Just look at the TV series, all of them are single parents.

    Bring your work home and these sort of things will happen. Company risk human errors for productivity.

    I’m new to the whole auto pilot thing but, speed limit 65mph, but auto pilot 72mph? Is it speeding?

    sensing a lot of rage from you. I asked about the dlc design, and not players/community. In short, I asked how’s poise, and you answered poise player can go to hell.

    Fatal Frames VR is coming. I can feel it.

    “If exploits gave players advantage over other players, it should be fixed.” Well, that’s like.. your opinion, man. It’ll be fine if you shut down the exploit fast enough (close off the mission/mob related to the exploits). In reality, your fix was done after a few days, and it ended up some got full benefit of

    So... how’s poise? or is it still roll feast?

    Looks like someone is passing out from the butt sniffing.

    As an adult I’m not worry too much breaking the device, but more about scratches. I’m pretty sure many parents would disagree a case is not necessary. There has always been a market for case after all.

    That kick stand looks weak, and being a portable device, I’m going to want to put it in a condom... uh.. case. It looks like if the device has a protective case it would get in the way to slip back into the stand/adopter.

    Oh gee. Girl takes some valuable stuff from the guy and it turns out that he’s a creep. What to do? Return it of course. Can’t because he’s not taking it back or it’s soulbounded? Destroy it in front of his eyes.

    You forgot that he has to win, and that requires much more time/focus in preparation.

    I’m surprised by an chinese film as your #2. It’s not even showing in America. How did you even come across to it.

    It looks fun, said the selected few. Me on the other hand, don’t plan to use my brain this much on a shooter game. (and doubt I get it even if I use my brain)