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    I know the homos in my neighborhood would totally dig this goldmine of recyclables.

    Nintendo will always have a place in my bathroom.

    Destiny’s text are identical for both xbox and ps. I think an disclaimer for the 1 year timed exclusive wait for xbox version belongs here.

    That looks nice. As a xbox only owner, I still frown at every time I see Destiny news.

    I’m pretty sure the monster is licker from Resident evil. Eleven is probably Alma from FEAR.

    It looks awesome, but not my cup of tea.

    You might still find Overwatch being more fun.

    I’d watch Pope do a Genocide run.

    if DD on xbox one can push higher fps, I’m all for that.

    Monster hunter Generations incoming 7/15, get ready to update that list!

    for a loot base game, the loot is not shiny enough to show off.

    One looks like CoD zombie mode, the other looks like silent hill.

    That’s a pretty big “if”. There is a made-in-china WoW movie. If that made millions, filmmakers will learn chinese.

    The second cyclist shows up lol

    The start of trailer feels like Gantz

    I thought the majority of resources went to Destiny 2? People who are still playing Destiny are “destined” to get expansion, no questions there. I just wonder this will add enough to bring people back to Destiny (many of us is just waiting for Destiny 2).

    I agree on using LFG to form the start of 6 man group. It’s just that when 1 person has to go/ drop off in 2nd, 3rd check point, it takes ages (15-30min) to find a replacement with the group’s particular check point. I can see matchmaking in that aspect cut mentioned down time.

    batman neon green power-up his arms, then kick with un-armored legs.

    I expected him to have no hands.

    Console peasant here: To the royal PC master race, do you take pride on laptop gaming? or is laptop gaming the red headed step-child of the 4k / VR desktop?