
Norman and Keanu don’t look anything like Johnny Blaze so I’d rather they not play him

Definitely not the Punisher or Ghost Rider.  It’s best to have him play as someone he actually resembles.  

No to either of them.  Norman could pass as Danny Ketch, but neither of them look like Johnny Blaze.  For causals it might not be a big deal, but for those of us who read the comics, the films affect the comics regarding appearance.  Josh Holloway, Joel Kinnaman, and so on would be better choices for Blaze since they

Carol’s always been straight in the comics, so no.  If she goes lgbt then fair trade would be taking hulking and wiccan or america chavez and making them straight 🤷🏻‍♂️

Conservative here, I don’t care much about the lgbt lifestyle and the characters don’t really bother me. Hogarth in Jessica Jones is a great example of a good lgbt character because although she’s lesbian, she was a very interesting character and it was entertaining watching her get things done. Mr. Terrific on

I’d rather there be no sexual orientation representation because the straight relationships were bad enough.  That awkward Natasha/bruce romance for one, the lgbt ones would be just as bad.  

This is two years late but I came across this while googling and just had to make a response. What bothered me the most about TWP is that pretty much nothing mattered in the end. I understand what Gilbert was trying to do and what he was getting at, but it doesn’t change the fact that it was a terrible way to end the

Little disappointed, I prefer RPGs that have plenty to do that keeps you occupied for a while since some great RPGs seem to be few and far in between nowadays, so it’s nice to have something to play while waiting for them. Shorter might for people with busier schedules, but for those of us who do have the time..maybe

I never got how people could complain about later Pokemon designs when gen 1 had designs like a pokemon that looked like a pokeball and then looked like an upside down pokeball in its evolution. 

I don’t know if they counted as arcade style but Shut your Mouth and Here Comes the Pain were quite possibly two of the greatest entries in the Smackdown series, yet alone the wrestling games themselves..Especially Here Comes the Pain. I can understand why the games got “slower and methodical” as they had the gameplay

Yes and No, nowadays the trend seems to be to take the character, keep them alive, but rather have someone take over their mantle like Jane Foster as Thor and so on like Marvel is doing.

You were fine until you tried to make it sound like Cap couldn’t beat Batman in a fist fight. Batman struggles against Deathstroke yet you find it implausible for Cap to beat him? Cap’s actually pretty well versed in H2H and is more than capable of standing up to Batman