They think they are the most important, hardest working humans on earth and it’s like... have you ever met a doctor or a mail man or like... a mom or something? calm down, it’s a steak.
They think they are the most important, hardest working humans on earth and it’s like... have you ever met a doctor or a mail man or like... a mom or something? calm down, it’s a steak.
Seriously, chefs are among the craziest motherfuckers I’ve ever known. They are worse than musicians. Also, more substance abuse problems than musicians too. I wouldn’t date one on a dare.
Not to mention, kitchen culture is notoriously toxic.
I was married to a chef. They are ALL assholes, in slightly different ways. Some bearably, some less so. (To be fair, mine wasn’t that much of an asshole, except in the kitchen where he was, naturally, bossy AF). They work nights/weekends/holidays, so you never have a valentine’s date or a NYE date, and…
Counterpoint: I dated two sous chefs**, and both were lovely individuals who fed me well. Aim a level lower and you, too, can reap the benefits without the assholism.
It was mostly a fancy leftover situation + drugs + alcohol + so many stupid tattoos=not worth it
I always wanted to date a chef and eat delicious food all the time, but then I dated some chefs and it turns out they’re kind of assholes.
Seriously. I’m beyond sick of this conventionally attractive, thin (yes, thin) woman pretending like she’s so fat and hideous. It’s been her thing for way too long.
>”Is it kind of fucked up that the movie is interrogating the extent to which Amy Schumer is not conventionally beautiful, whatever that means?”
Nice burying the lede there. Real story: what’s up with this picture of Raven-Symone and Billy Zane? What’s going on there?
Really? Because I was once in line at Whataburger and BILLY ZANE was ahead of me and turned around and flashed a that big ol’ Billy Zane smile and said “her lunch is on me” and so I ordered extra cheese AND jalapenos, god damnit. Billy Zane is okay in my book.
yeah, seriously, why is billy zane here?!?!
Picking out and wearing hats consumes most of his time.
I am way more interested in what Billy Zane is up to these days honestly.
That’s not being fair to the landlord now! No one makes new doors and/or sturdy locks anymore. They’ve been in short supply for awhile now! You talk as though there are entire big box stores dedicated to supplying such things! Blasphemy!
You have to be very careful of your T.Swift criticisms here. I once made a joke referencing some of her song lyrics and got a thesis on how I’m not a real feminist because she wrote those lyrics when she was twelve or something.
Taylor new song: you sore looser you, with out contrac dissolution you might have won.
Yes, well, just wait until she drops her next big single I Am Very Mad at Tom Hiddleston Because We Were In a Entirely Real Relationship, the Ending of Which has Left Me Emotionally Vulnerable.
The problem with your statement about "mental illness" is... anyone who doesn't do what a rich corporation wants is labelled as "needing help" and is usually taken away. I've read stories of how inventors who refused to sell were often arrested and put into psychiatric observation until they're willing to "play…