
If I can't fall asleep for an hour or more, I pretend I have to get up and start my day. That usually reminds me how much I'd prefer to sleep, instead.

A large proportion (not all) of decent people emigrated from Russia to Europe, USA, Australia, etc. after the economic collapse. The new economy was created by thugs. Ta-da!

Being pro-choice isn't necessarily about defining life as starting at birth or viability or whenever. It's about saying that every woman, every couple, deserves the right to decide that for themselves, because we do not have a societal consensus. It also means giving everyone the right to weight the quality of life of

I hate soggy/overcooked veggies, and having the same exact meal more than 2-3 times in a row, but I also don't want to or have time to cook from scratch every night. So, I don't like the "make a large batch and refrigerate or freeze the leftovers" method. My solution is to prep enough meat, grains, soup broth, or

Stranger on a childhood trip to Yosemite: "Oh, that's a really big dog. Almost looks like a bear....OH MY GOD it IS a bear!" On another trip, my sister's stuffed cat was mistaken for a dog, too...Apparently dogs come in all animals. o.O

If it's a money tight/time rich situation (e.g. one partner out of job), something homemade (from things already around) or service-type favors could go over well. Especially with close friends and family. More distant people...don't really matter.

I think in your shoes I would find someone friendly-looking (i.e. who doesn't seem like they would cause a confrontation), and go "I'm sorry to ask, but I'm not feeling well today, would you mind letting me have a seat?" You don't have to explain your disorder—it could be a migraine or tension headache or a cold (I

Greencard and Permanent Resident Card are the same thing: I'm not sure what you were talking about...

But empathy isn't the only motivating force of human behavior. Ethics stemming from logic, concern for one's reputation, fear of consequences, all motivate us even when emotionally we are tempted to take different actions. So, how do we 'stop' them? Teach decision making based on non-emotional, non-empathic reasons.

I know as a grad student this may not be relevant to everyone, but I take aim at different (i.e. low energy) tasks when I'm low. Catching up on homework or reading papers, organizing and analyzing data, planning. I'll avoid the most high-energy tasks, like running tests or writing code. This is all assuming I'm not

It protects against the two with the highest cancer risk (together, ~70% of cancer cases) and also the two types most responsible for genital warts (~90% of all GW cases). Sounds like good odds to me.

It totally sounds like you work for Dr. House...

There's a difference between 'make the center of your universe' and 'pay due attention to.' I don't remember a time when I wasn't aware that my parents had things they did that had nothing to do with me or my sisters. They worked, they had friends (even ones without kids!), they had hobbies and sports they did

That's pretty much exactly how I came about to it, too. Except I started when I kept eyeing the fruit cups at coffee shops and thinking they were waaay overpriced, and you got like, one strawberry.

If you mix different fruits in the process, you're also adding variety and that makes the snack more attractive. Plus certain combinations help retain freshness, e.g. pineapple or kiwi keeps strawberries fresh longer.

You probably know roughly how much you spend per grocery trip and how often you go (I tend to go once a week for $60-80 or two-three times for $20-30). Using a credit card or bank/debit card tool that breaks down your spending for the past few months can give you a ballpark, too. From there, I think it's important to