
Unless you try going in to work and your friend tries staying home, you'll never know if it's actually your approach or your genetics that's helping. I act like you but my colds always last at least 4 days...and I'm just talking the part where I feel like I ran 10 miles after walking a block, not the part where I'm

My family clears out part of the fridge and puts down a grocery bag, then a layer of dumplings, then a grocery bag, etc. Then once they freeze, they'll sometimes get piled in a container or bag.

I thank the person who came up with fire-alarm snooze on a regular basis. It's a better idea than people getting frustrated and unplugging their alarm (and not plugging back in). I think the snooze on mine is only about 5-15 mins, and it's enough to open some windows. And I can hit it again if I'm still making smoke

YES. I've never had trouble helping someone move who was all packed. It's pretty straightforward at that point: grab everything and take it to the truck! (And then: take everything and take it to the new house/apartment!) Even if the stuff-owner doesn't take charge, someone always comes up with a plan and does. Human

Yep! I think it says more about a person that they are so distraught want to puke after seeing *God forbid!* hair, than that someone doesn't remove their hair. It's like, "Are you really that much of a wimp that this makes you honestly squeamish? You disgust me."

Not exactly, but I hate reheated veggies. I recommend keeping your meals as separate ingredients until ready to eat so that you don't have *leftovers*, you have *ingredients* for future meals. I mean, grilled chicken is something you can throw in pasta or on a salad or put on a sandwich. And something like cold

If you look at the source facebook page, half the ads actually star women sticking by their friends or taking them away from a bad situation. So overall it comes off as more standing up for each other than knight-saving-princess.

I feel like you should be able to call out your family on things like this (who else will?) especially if you end up in situations where these habits reflect on you as well (e.g. eating out at a restaurant, or at an office dinner/banquet/party, or even dinner with your parents). After all, no one else will (they'll

I went to my first wedding this summer and had to google questions like these. E.g. I'd never heard of a wedding shower. What I gathered was that showers were separate from weddings; so yes, separate gift. And technically it is polite to send a gift even if you don't go, BUT I got the feeling that was kind of an

My parents did this through most of my childhood before we got our greencard. You can probably assuage your guilt and help her out by taking over one or two of her least favorite tasks. Also even though she can't work I hope she gets the chance to get out of the house—take a class or volunteer, etc. I remember my mom

Can someone please explain, why make your yarn center-pull in the first place? If you just have a regular ol' ball of yarn you're unwinding from the outside, if you get too much (or you're done for the day) you can wind it back up. But if you're pulling from the center you're stuck winding from the center to the

Oooh! I know this one. My roommate makes a magical substance out of apple cider vinegar with a drop or two of dish soap for fruit flies. The vinegar attracts them; the soap sucks them in to the liquid so they drown to their little deaths. We leave little cups out all over in summer and they suck in all the buggers not

Mine does this, too! I haven't had anything diagnosed but shots and blood draws do make me pass out if I'm not horizontal already. It's kind of hard to explain to the phlebotomist, sometimes. Most don't fight me on it, but they will start trying to calm me down and it's like "I'm not scared. Really. I just don't want

Or butter! :) Everyone does pasta a bit differently, so I say, go ahead and drain and grease it!

I don't actually consider this rude but it was really funny. I was flying from Omaha to Phoenix after Christmas with my boyfriend, and halfway through the flight the guy next to us reaches down and pulls up...a little fluffy dog! "Well you don't see that every day!" he commented and then turned around to the lady

My high school boyfriend's dad was a chiropractor with his own practice (which his mom helped administrate). My dad was an immigrant physics postdoc and my mom stayed home. I wouldn't remotely say I grew up poor (we had vacations-to go camping and visit family in the home country every few years; we never went hungry;

But how will the sticks survive in nature after such close interaction with humans?

No, just ineffective and sets you up for conflict. Why not instead respect that the child is a human being with likes and dislikes? Imagine someone setting your current least favorite vegetable/food on your plate and telling you to eat it or else. How would that feel?

I wonder if it's a control thing/an attention-getting behavior. Maybe, she's learned that refusing food gets a rise out of you and now she does it for that effect? Maybe if you keep offering her the food you are eating and leaving good snacks where she can see them during the day, but avoiding putting any attention