seriously, i have been having a sh*t day and you have rescued me!
seriously, i have been having a sh*t day and you have rescued me!
what the what??? why has my curly head never heard of the magic marvel that is the Diva Clip before this very minute? This is a piece of information that someone, even a stranger on the street, ought to have felt compelled to share with me before now. I feel both deprived and elated! Thank you, Lauren Bertolini...…
I am the child of European immigrants and grew up swimming competitively (read: a childhood full of speedos)... the first time I saw a dude swimming in shorts I was so very confused. It really is all about perspective (and I love my partner's proclivity for irreverent boxer shorts).
mmmm.... cookie shotglass for bailey's and coffee.... now that, hands down, beats a Tim Tam coffee straw!
I am so happy to hear that she put the stops to the crazy... Huzzah! a victory for reason! (wow... I am cheering for the decisions of a GOP governor... will wonders never cease???)
Is it too late to register for this course of study?
You know what. we love you too (esp. if you live on the boarder of BC/WA... since Cascadia is where its at!)! xo
OH MY GOD! Tears of laughter and delight! Merci (d'une canadienne a une autre)!
That death star dress is magnificent.
Oh. My. God. I feel I need the whole collection!
Hi. I don't know you, and I didn't know your friend - but it feels like I did; it has always felt that way, since I first saw him in Hard Eight. I am very sorry for your loss. (I am very sorry for our loss). v.xo
God, I loved this genius!