amen, sister!
amen, sister!
My boyfriend and I are common-law, which means that in the eyes of the law (though not in the eyes of my mother, but that's a different post) we are married. This makes me happy, because I love him. And he loves me. And we are never having children. We have been together for 10 years. And, despite the constant…
God, I have always loved the Vulcans... It has all become so logical and clear...
Thank you.
In fairness, it has been really freaking cold in Vancouver (sheepish admission from the girl who wore Uggs with her skirt today and changed into less offensive footwear on arrival to the office. Come on! it's snowing!!!).
Amazing. Don't people listen to themselves when they speak?
Very recently I determined that while I find 'up-talk' abhorrent, the real abomination is the recent trend towards grammatical imprecision as demonstrated by (dear gods save us all) the ubiquity of "myself" (where a simple 'I' or 'me' is grammatically correct).
It's really beautiful... I also bought him a TARDIS door cling (we are both massive whovians from waaaaaaaaaay back...), and a variety of other fun things; but this really is lovely. It even comes in various flavours: Canada, Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal!!! (FYI: On re-reading this I feel compelled to…
why would people expect to get free turkeys and hams???
My suggestion:
My heart aches for Renisha McBride's family. My heart aches for Detriot, and for people, and for humanity. This is tragic for so many reasons; not the least of which is the absolute senselessness of the actions of the person who answered the door (um, hello... If you're that afraid of whatever you think might be on…
I'm Canadian. Born and raised in Toronto, now living in Vancouver. I lock my door. It's automatic; a habit that manifests so quickly on entry that I have been known to (quite unintentionally) lock my boyfriend out.
Who knew that one could travel the world via Placentias?!?
I hate to be an ass getting all specific and such... but the character, being Canadian and all, should perhaps be referred to as First Nation and not as Native American...
either that or it's a name given in homage to the parents' love of lace and/or holes (generally) and/or grommets...
and for kicks:
I just typed "women should " into the search box and the top three results were as follows: