
Because said man is part of an alt-right (read: NAZI) group in Czech Repub. He’s a bit biased. Also, he was forced to make apologies about his statements because several historians basically told him “wow, you’re a moron” in regards to the belief that there were no black people in Europe during the middle ages.

Got to protect the women hating,Nazi’s feelings. Everyone knows how sensitive they are about others.

“say rude things to me when i bump them trying to get through the doorway they’re stuck in simulator”

Belgium has created for your pleasure, in no particular order: Abbey beer, pommes frites, birth control, asphalt, and electrically powered trains. This is up there, but it is not the most useful thing they’ve ever done (that would be Abbey beer)

“Commenters on Kotaku have disagreed, arguing that there’s no issue with marketing female sexuality to an audience who wants it.”

Wise commenters. If you don’t like something, don’t watch/partake/etc. Don’t try to stop others from creating and partaking.