
6.5 or go home.

It would never be priced right on top of a fully-loaded Fiesta ST, just like the Focus RS is not priced on top of a fully loaded Focus ST. The delta would be significant.

That is a backhoe, not a backhoe loader. And this is a front-end loader:

Classify sports car. I’ve seen you attacking a bunch of other posts with pedantic fury, what is your definition of a sports car? (By the way, since we’re being so furiously pedantic, it’s sports car, not sportscar.)

Ford C100. For all the glory and fond memories that the Porsche 956 had, you barely will find anyone who remembers the car developed at the exact same time as it’s competitor. Ford even had a head-start on Porsche, getting their car running nearly a full year earlier. A fully-backed Ford program to take on Le Mans,

Are you kidding? Engine efficiency is dramatically better. You could replace that Model T’s 20 HP engine with a 100+HP Ford Ecoboost 3 cyl that would likely get around 50-60 MPG if it had to pull around a 1200 lb car. This isn’t pedantry, it’s just getting things right.

...back logs of orders
And to my understanding, the 3.0L EcoDiesel used in the Ram isn’t even a very good motor. Imagine how these trucks would sell with a properly decent one. Guess we won’t have to wait all that long to see, considering the 5.0L Cummins Titan coming out soon.

definitely not headers.

Pretty sure you’re look at the intake runners, which seemed to be styled to resemble headers. But still.

I have officially lost all faith in humanity.

Just so you know (I used to think like you too) it’s not a Mercedes platform but rather an evolution of the Chrysler developed fwd LH platform (Concorde, Intrepid...) which was originally engineered to be eventually adapted to rwd and awd (that’s why the FWD LH cars used a longitudinally mounted engine.

if you got the V6 Camaro you could have run it at 10/10

While I sort of agree with you, you’re also saying that like there are a lot of Camaro powertrain options. I wouldn’t call this the tippy top because the only things available this year are the 1/2LT and 1/2SS. It’s just the standard V8 Camaro putting down these numbers, not some ridiculously specced out version. Now,

Not leaf springs. ONE transverse leaf spring which acts as an anti-roll bar. It’s coil-sprung.

I low how they have almost identical side windows and roofline.

As reported by the owners. I doubt most luxury vehicle owners accurately know what repair their vehicle has received.

There’s another issue at play that tends to get overlooked when people try to run these studies—Tesla is very, very liberal with their drivetrain swaps (at least they have been with the first few model years). If basically anything looks like it could be wrong, they swap the motors out and drop in a refurbished set,

Move ocean, I've got firing to do.

It is the historic trend that the more capable and advanced a ship of war becomes, the uglier it shall be. THIS is a warship: