
He is a fucking asshole for calling her really nasty names and what not. But how exactly is he being a knuckle-dragger and all that for simply pointing out that Erin Andrews has the high-paying, glamorous job she has simply because of her appearance?

Did you hear the little aside he proffered at the very end?

This is the single greatest news I have heard all day.

You guys should watch the video. It's very cute. Everyone should experience a group of curious, eager and supportive Japanese folks hanging on to your every word, nodding eagerly and agreeing volubly with everything you say.

Yes. His son is a Brony. That cartoon is very popular with boys, I hear.

How do we know he didn't just poo into some cupcake holders?

And yet, somehow:

Oh my. So much deep wisdom. I too am a deep philosopher, you know. I also like to consider the intricacies of linguistics. Given your incessant obsession with mothers, breasts, sexual intercourse and pompous lecturing -oh! dare I say it, mansplaining- I'm actually pondering the etymologies of motherfucker, douchebag,

What the hell is this shit you just typed? You've confused sex, profanity, human anatomy, parenting and some angry argument you were having in your head with your parents all into some bizarre, incoherent rant. You don't get to tell anybody to grow up. You can't even formulate your thoughts correctly. What a pathetic

How so?

For that, I now dig you, man. Fuckin' A.

This fucking guy...

It's a struggle. So I curse a lot.

Yeah, yeah. Har har etc. But still, it's just messed up when kids say such harsh words and it's deliberate and on purpose.

This is just weird, man. Sure kids curse all the time and what not. But they shouldn't. And it's weird for these little movie actor kids to do take after take of uttering expletives cos cuss words are really crude and violent. It's very bizarre and jarring when kids curse, as it is. And to know that they were saying

Wait, is he a lefty? Or is he ambidextrous?

Samer, I posit that the little girl behind the baby matter of factly and methodically chowing down on the ballpark frank is a very good sports little girl.

Maybe if Mrs Liz made like Catherine The Great, the horse would be more motivated and would not need all these drugs to perform optimally.

Finally. Someone with some intellectual honesty. And I really wanna make this clear: I'm A-OK with someone, anyone, simply experiencing doubt and insecurity. I don't object to that part per se. But what is really ridiculous and hypocritical are these huge, enormous pretensions from most women about how strong and

What the hell are you talking about? You sound like a crazy, angry person.