Uhm- **not really**. If you had any reading comprehension skills, you would have noticed these words:
Uhm- **not really**. If you had any reading comprehension skills, you would have noticed these words:
I'd say that FS1 and Fox Sports anchors manage to be way worse.
Hmmm, good point. He does seem like their intellectual giant. But no, I was not intending to damn the guy at all. Quite the opposite. I was actually damning ESPN.
Thanks man! I appreciate the heads-up. I really wish I could be all 'Girl Power!!!' but hearing that the anchors write their own material makes me despise the ESPN bimbos even more. And have even more respect for Olbermann's work on his show.
This guy has extraordinary proprioception. How the fuck he knew how to position his wrist over that wall and hold his fingers so they held the glove but also gave it enough room to dangle and clutch the ball, I will never know. Amazing.
So you support white guys mocking the physical appearance of black women and demeaning them as prostitutes. Hey, good to know. I hope you teach your son these same solid values. This type of character virtue really needs to be transmitted.
Ahhhh right. That makes sense. He must have a really great sense for financial figures to be able to collate all of that data so quickly, understand all the legalities of it and chart a future course of action in the space of a couple days. Would his work with the NBA mostly be summed up as corporate law?
Actually I'd say that being a dick to someone, for no good reason besides them admiring the solid intellect of someone you dislike, is a better reason for me to be put off by them.
Oh yeah, I've heard those stories. How do you know he writes his own sports segments? I thought he would be working with a team of writers.
Yeah, and the thing is, if she felt too upset and weirded out to confront the guy, why did she go out with him again? And okay, so she goes out with him again just to be nice, I guess. But then she's also written so many articles for this website like she's some authority figure on how men and women are supposed to…
That is a good point. Have you read his books? Do you have any recommendations for any of his written work?
Yeah, guy's baseball knowledge alone makes the head reel. I dunno how he retains all of that.
What about him makes him smarmy though?
Maybe you're right. Idk. Perhaps I'm blinded by his econ professorial/Corporate VP of Marketing-ish good looks. He is self-righteous, yes. Smarm, hmmm. Not sure about that.
Ah, why's that?
When Keith is on, he is fucking on. The guy may be a blowhard from time to time, but he has always been smart enough to work with really good writers.
Come on, man. He really isn't that bad. Compared to the likes of Chris Broussard, Skip Bayless, that creepy bland idiot who shows up next to Jemele Jill and all the usual ESPN bimbos, this guy is actually articulate, intelligent and he has a great sense of humor. Heck, he's way more interesting than the PTI crew.
Adam Silver was really categorical about wanting the Clippers to be sold off. It struck me as very interesting that he made that decision for the organization. It seemed at the time that he had some crucial and incisive data on the financial and legal intricacies of Sterling's ownership of the Clippers. And that was…
How do you know it wasn't the reporter dude or the cameraman or heck, the boom guy cutting one? Maybe they were just being assholes and pointing fingers. After pulling them.
Maybe I was being uptight, prudish, missish, unrealistic.