
Nice Ass

Hahahaha another loss for feminism, another win for the all mighty privileged white phallocentric cock-patriarcal based society of alpha males.

Go back to the kitchen and make us a sandwich

Did i heard an african american folk scream “Go Get Dat Ni**a”

moooooo niaaaaggaaaa!!!! auuuuuuuuhhhh!!!

hahaha fucking feminists, just enjoy the moment and stop bitching for a moment

Slut sleeping in the same room with 5 men, cannot handle a little groping! cmon whenever i go out on vacation with female friends they are ok with groping, casual sex, handjobs and blowjobs to male friends, whats the matter? is part of the experience

Shit Nigger is Shit Nigging

I dont see Eat Pussy listed...nice

Fucking Feminists Killing eachother and shitz


Honestly the only RE that left me down was REvelations 2, i loved all the RE Games i played: 1 to 6, Code Veronica, REvelations and Gaiden

yo Yo YO YO YOOO!!! A Game bout Nigga Angels....daiiiyum mo nigga!! Kanye OG you da bezz!!!

Apparently sickos are into “Pedo Fucking a Little Girl” thats why this is a thing

This just happened

Breaking, please Share, this is wrong in so many levels

The detail that nobody seems to get is that natural evolution of the “RE Survival Horror” was the all out action monster horror fights.

Remember, since the beginning the villians are trying to use the virus/parasites/plagas as weapons, zombies and slow paced survival is a byproduct of failed experiments.
