
Does anyone know if there's anything like the Middlebury Immersion Summer Program in the midwest? I'm having serious trouble finding anything of the sort anywhere else. I'm ready to be committed to something like that and something close would be preferable, but not necessary...

For the aspiring digital artist, a subscription-based service can be an excellent productivity booster. "I need to finish this project to get my $30 worth", etc. Although one can argue making the purchase itself (a large purchase, if I might add) is pretty killer too as an incentive to be more productive, it isn't

If you're laptop is unbearably hot, I suggest you ask her out on a date.

The degradation of Gizmodo after its great iPhone 4 media coverage is just sickening. I'm tempted to start my own electronics blog without this nonsense.

VOTE: Circus Ponies Notebook

"To go north, you must journey south, to reach the west you must go east. To go forward you must go back, and to uninstall you must install" -Quaithe's prophecy.

It just goes to show that the Doctor helps idiots, too.

Silly rules don't just start with the TSA. At my high school, I finally won a gavel for a competitive event that took at least four years to become good at. When I received it in a classroom, I walked out into the hall and a teacher takes it away. "It could be used as a weapon, you see..." she tried to justify

Students or aliens? Let the conspiracies begin!

SKINET... Sounds a lot like SKYNET.

So... is this a way of holding us off for the iPhone 5 or what? Would they really release a white iPhone 4 and make a big deal out of it only to release the new iPhone 5 right afterwards? is a nice tutorial place. Just click on something that looks cool and learn it.

The real question is which keyboards are the most food-friendly. Get one of those laser ones. xD

I'm sure if you took the total production time of this video and compared it to a life's total productivity time lost in hotmail's supposedly crap service... well, I'm sure this video heightened his productivity to an all time high.

Five minutes in reality is actually an hour in this dream we're all having...

But it looks like the old one! Where's the fun in that?

Dude, I would drop Netflix in a heartbeat if they bundled it with Amazon Prime. Amazon Prime just cost too much, despite me ordering a ton of books every week. I also tend to watch a lot of the streaming Netflix movies. Hands down, I would definitely be interested in something like this.