
My opinion as a customer: leave things as they are. I showed this “article” to friends who actually buy Nintendo games. They asked the same I did: Why does he has to be a girl?

There is a silent majority that does not agree with your point of view because this is not a needed change. I’m happy to play Link like I

Aonuma. Thank you for sticking to your guns. I would definitively play a Legend of Zelda game starring Princess Zelda. I do like badass females. Samus being a prime example of this.

LOL no. They’ve made their choice. Ban them if they feel the need to cheat after spending their hard earned cash. And this should be taken up by companies like EA too.

This is what I see. Nintendo, I love your consoles but you’re fucking this up!!! What the HELL are you doing!? NO!

I only know that when a successful man and a billionaire says such a thing about an ex-employee... that’s a career ender.

Beth owns Fallout now. It is canon. Deal with it and move on.

They fucked up. Hear the internet cry out. I will not buy until they have a FULL release. Fuck episodic content.

They’ve fucked up with this. I’m not buying until there is a full game.

Wow, I don’t know why but this did hit me hard. I’m even teary eyed. The fuck is going on?

Rest in peace, Iwata-sensei.

This could spell the beginning of the end for Nintendo as we know it.

Keep dreaming about Puerto Rico being a state. I’m from Puerto Rico and people don’t want the extra tax burden (much less in the crisis we are at the moment) and abandoning our traditions or language. If the U.S. wanted to make us a state, they would have done so 100 years ago. Then again, this is not the place. It

Can't really tell you, I tried to play the tutorial and at the end I get slapped with that damned Centipede error... 6 hours trying to log in and thinking of getting my money back.

I have grown with them and they still provide me with a way to escape from the realities of this world and get immersed in new worlds, worlds of imagination and wonder where what's not possible in my dily life can be accomplished with the push of a button.

I play videogames since 1986, being my first experiences with

A feminist generalizing when she reads something about a woman being raped. Par for the course. You really hate men. This is my last post on Kotaku. I am fed up with you.

I lived thru a similar situation back in college. Went with a group of friends to the beach and after some small conversation I made out with a

Well, it was unexpected (and disappointing in my personal opinion) but... they didn't do anything you could label as illegal. I understand the frustration. Guess I won't back any other Kickstarter after this.

And Zuckerberg, I am not buying this. I was considering closing my Facebook account due to privacy concerns and

I have begun to hate these Somavania fans with a burning passion, and Igavanias in general. Fuck, I have all the main games incluiding the GBA/DS ones since a long time... and after Symphony of the Night a "rabid fanbase" of sorts, a very noisy and annoying vocal minority has been trying to impose their opinion as

Yeah. Zelda is a girl.

Then allow me, I will keep my money. You didn't forget who you guys are selling this DLC? To the current owners of the bug-ridden game, right?

I am just waiting to see if someone will... *ahem* "acquire" the mesh models from the definitive laptop versions to port it into a proper PC version. Maybe the XBox One version would be easier to extract the models from.

A Power 8 derivative.... suuuuuuuure. An unreleased IBM processor equivalent to an IBM AS/400 station. More poweful than a i7. That's a Xeon killer. Even a derivative of this architecture would be veeeery expensive. And the video card is a R9 class. Expensive and hot but leagues above the PS4 and close to a Titan.