
"He spends much of his time in isolation, playing video games, listening to pop music, and occasionally looking at illicit materials on a computer screen. "

I don't think it's bad taste, but that certain peoples' tastes gravitate towards things that end up failing. There was a study on it, but trying to google for it sucks because how do you search for that?

This shit is right

Literally can't believe it

even with subtitles the density of the dialogue makes it incredibly difficult to understand, especially since so many actions occur off-screen. It's akin to reading Shakespeare without the occasional annotations. It's difficult for me, in any case.

Hey! Just finished re-watching deadwood these past couple o' weeks. I look in turn to you to help sort out the language as there are still scenes where I got no clue what's going on.

I need some lube

If that were the case he'd still have a show, broheme

Not to be too dramatic but WHAT WAS THE BOMBSHELL?! THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW!!!

How dare you insult my knowledge of ancient dentistry

I must say

The whole point of coming out as poly is to demonstrate the partners' commitment to honesty and to not rely on deception to fulfill one's desires.

This is a great primer, but I would say a true primer for Zeppelin is 'Led Zeppelin DVD' (2003). More specifically, that first DVD in the set, live at royal Albert Hall. It is a total embodiment of their greatness and the many cliches associated with them, and it rocks harder than anything they committed to vinyl.

What's in the baaaaaccchhsss

"For England, James?"

It is comforting to know Bryan Fuller and the writers are sensitive to LGBT issues. Hats off to them for fighting against misinformation and stereotypes in media.

Some might say this film's emotions are a grower.

"Hear that? This is me playing 'Fuck You' on the world's biggest cello."

Everyone should watch Zardoz. The amount of mileage you get far outweighs the costs involved.

Yeahhhh let's celebrate traumatizing head injuries that lead to lifelong pain and struggle that can lead to destitution, violence, and in some cases suicide and murder wooooooo ready for some footballlll