
Whatever happened to the big ascii F? I miss those days


Yeah, but have you ever flown first class on ANA or JAL? The only time I did (thanks to a cancelled flight), I didn’t want to get off the plane.

Play chess

Is there any way to check this? I can’t get this to work

this game is the shit, let's play NA server sometime

McGee's 'Alice' wasn't a bad game by any stretch, the visuals were impressive.

It’s as if there’s an invisible ceiling keeping women from breaking through

irredeemably no

Thank you to all my irredeemable friends

Treat yourself and watch Throne Of Blood for some hot hot arrow action. I do believe the AV club did an article related to that one scene

To be fair, AA Dowd does mention that he's seen a lot of amateur indie bullshit but didn't feel any of them warranted a mention in the article

Considering the question posed is which movie was the worst to see in a theater, I would have to say Spider-Man, the one with Tobey Macguire. Not because it was a bad movie, but because when Spider-Man started swinging around the American flag after saving a bus full of kids, the people in the audience started

Considering Herzog's 'fascinating' subjects tend to be insane I wouldn't think that Herzog's endorsement is one that has anything to do with politics. If anything, it is the absurdity of the world's largest organization being run by a reality TV show host that Herzog would find attractive.

This is pretty typical heel behavior: "Cabana won the title via submission when Hall read "I give up" off a sheet of paper Cabana tricked him into reading."

Nah, Crusader Kings 2 is the best

If there’s anything that will help push along justice reform and attract public attention, it’s releasing known murderers back into the community. It’s insane, but it certainly would be a strong motivator


"It’s not hard to see why there’s a big drinking culture there when you consider the pleasures of a few glasses—or bottles—of soju in combination with good company and, most importantly, a delicious meal."

Arnold committing suicide isn't the incident? I guess I'm just confused on the whole anyway, how is it that Ford's partner is able to kill all these hosts and commit suicide in the park and nobody knows about it 35 years later except Ford?