
Yes. Bring it. Bring it hard. She’s got to be poised and calm in the debates and make him look like the unqualified manbaby he is. Let him make his stupid faces and blurt out disconnected blobs of words. Side eye and shade the fuck out him in front of millions of people.

Equal and opposite reaction time folks:

I once hosted/head-chef’ed a community theater dinner for 120, as our theater was doing a “Sleeping Beauty” panto. I put so much research into that meal - knowing that Charles Perrault had brought “Sleeping Beauty” to the court of Louis XIV, I wanted that meal to be AUTHENTIC.

I was complaining to my mother about how stingy my company was being when it was time to renegotiate my contract, and how I was fighting for what I was worth. What they were offering was good for someone just out of college, but definitely not for someone with over a decade of experience. Her response was “Just don’t

Birds in general are beautiful creatures, but there’s one hot bird in particular that’s captured the heart and soul