
Cruz is Sauron, an undiluted brand of GOP evil (it’d be funny if Trump were a Republican plant to make Ted more palatable) and more popular—thus way more powerful—than Huckabee. Though he doesn’t command Sauron’s army, being so evil that he is hated by most in his own party. really pains me to give Dr. Ben Carson the satisfaction of comparing him to a really cool wise tree who can take a joke. But since both talk and move and react at the pace of a slightly alive rock,..

Now playing

I can’t remember any of [Legolas’] lines.

LOTR is pretty racist, but not nearly racist enough for this election. You need some H.P. Lovecraft.

Come on?! Hillary as Gandalf? Maybe that is how she sees HERSELF. Most of these I can get behind. But as the other poster illustrated, Hillary is Smeagol, forever seeking her precious, convinced it was stolen from her rightful ownership, willing to say anything to anybody to get it back.

So, the Democrats are all Heroes?

Obama is Bilbo, because he tried, but now he is passing this shit on to somebody else and chilling with elves because he doesn’t give a shit anymore.

As a Canadian, my exposure to Rand Paul is next to non-existent. But I saw him on the Daily Show last week, and while I strongly disagree with his political views, at least they were coherent, well thought out, and were consistent with the values he came to oppose. In all and all, he sounded like a smart man able to

I know he’s not running anymore but can we cast Lindsey Graham as Galadriel? Can’t you just hear this speech in his molasses drawl:

Everybody is Denethor

If anything Hillary is Talion from the recent Shadow of Mordor game. Why? Because in trying to defeat the enemy (Sauron’s forces or the Republicans) she becomes the enemy.

Mike Huckabee as Sauron

Once again, Hollywood casts a skinnier individual for a role meant for a larger person. Gimli should not get to play Chris Christie. That should be reserved for the Trolls and the Balrogs.

Hillary as Gandalf the Grey no way, if Hillary is a wizard shes more like Radgast the Brown.

I created this back in 2012. I’m sort of glad the presidential campaign has graduated to a better class of fantasy fiction.

Ben Carson would be a troll, the trolls were created by Morgoth as a mockery of the Ents.

I protest. The whole Republican field are orcs. Except Carly who is, of course, one of the Nazgul. They don’t get Aragorn, they don’t get Boromir, hell, they don’t even get the power of Sauron! No! They are orcs. Multitudes of orcs.

And every donor is Smaug.

Rand Paul as Aragorn, the heir of Isildur and the rightful king of Gondor. There is no doubt in my mind that Rand considers himself to be Aragorn...