Galactic Yo-Yo

People are always clamoring for Susan to come back, but honestly I like what Big Finish did with that enough that I kinda don't want to see it fucked with. I feel the same way about the Meddling Monk, because then you'd probably have to ignore his Big Finish history and have the Doctor not act like he's talking to the

We've seen him use regeneration ENERGY voluntarily. We haven't seen him trigger a full-scale regeneration voluntarily before. And it's pretty easy to justify why blindness can't just be cured with a bit of regeneration energy (eyes are complex, there's degradation in the visual cortex of the brain, etc.)

That's fair. I did like "The Pilot" quite a bit, but then there's different standards for companion intro episodes. The story doesn't matter quite as much. It's just about the set up.

Wouldn't it be ironic if the Doctor that came in in a flash spent a half a series going out?

It'd be really interesting if it was the REASON for the regeneration. Like, it's always been a way to avoid death, but imagine a situation where the Doctor needs to see something so bad that he HAS to regenerate just to get his eyesight back. We've never seen the Doctor regenerate voluntarily before.

At this point it's not a question of whether or not the Master is in the vault as much as *I GUESS THIS MIGHT BE SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T BEEN FOLLOWING DR. WHO NEWS AT ALL OR MISSED IT IN THE SERIES TRAILER* which incarnation of the Master is it?

"Husbands" and "Dr. Mysterio" are actually perfect examples of the difference between good and bad fluff. "Husbands" has a lot of fun ideas and great lines and grounds them all in a relationship that we care about. Whereas "Dr. Mysterio" is a lot lighter on fun ideas and is grounded in a bunch of random characters

Whenever I think about this too hard, I just end up paraphrasing Douglas Adams: The future is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to the future.

It's funny you mention series 7, because a lot of these episodes remind me of series 7's recurring weakness: plots where things kind of just happen and then get hurriedly wrapped up in the last five minutes by the Doctor making a speech.

Am I the only person who's been underwhelmed by this series so far? Capaldi and Mackie are great, but we're five episodes in and I feel like I haven't seen one hit it out of the park yet. This one and Thin Ice come closest, but Thin Ice suffered from a weak villain/concept and Oxygen had weird pacing and underused

What's Friendses, precious?

I'm really betting that the Planet Hulk stuff is just a self-contained opening act to get Bruce and Thor together, a la the Jabba stuff in Return of the Jedi.

-La La Land (2016)

I'm sure everyone will be incredibly civil and good-natured towards each other and there won't be any behind the scenes interpersonal drama.


It's funny. I was just wondering if I needed to start listening to Future. And then here comes this article convincing me that, nah, I'm good.

You made me think they actually got the muppets involved in this. Boo on you.

I like Jason Robert Brown the least when he's indulging his "rock and roll piano" tendencies, and Jamie gets a lot of that. "Shiksa Goddess" I can live with, but I positively can't stand "Movin' Too Fast".

Honestly, Bowie singing is about the only thing that would really get me into most of Jamie's songs.

I said it as a joke but now I'm sad it doesn't exist