Galactic Yo-Yo

I'm choosing to think that no one really asked Andrew WK at all and someone just wrote that down because, well, that's what he WOULD say.

Franco works in mysterious ways.

Jerry Seinfeld wasn't even born to play himself.

I watched Colbert longer and so of course I'll miss him, but I feel closer to the Late Late Show. Maybe because the show was just so weird and unpredictable.Maybe because it felt like being a fan was being part of this secret little club that no one really knew about. Maybe because Craig was just a big Doctor Who fan.

That's the best character break that ever happened on the show, though I also have a special place in my heart for the first time it happened: Filliam H. Muffman. Apparently silly names are the easiest way to make him crack.

I'm of the opinion that Colbert SuperPac was the most important, and most hilarious, thing he ever did.

Between this and the Cake Boss getting arrested and saying "I'm the Cake Boss!", the lines between real life and Paul F. Tompkins' Comedy Bang Bang characters are getting fuzzier every day. And I, for one, am looking forward to Ice-T's sci-fi pilot.

Any time it switched from still photos to video, I got terribly anxious. The bit with the chair falling over is probably the worst part.

So this is an actual movie and not just a running gag on U Talkin' U2 to Me?

I'll always have a special place in my heart for "We Were Dead" because it was the album that got me into MM in the first place. I listened to "Good News" when it came out, but even though it had some good songs, I never really connected with it (I think I was just too young at the time). But when "We Were Dead" came

Clive Owen is really missing a trick by not making his fake name "Clive Warren."

School's out. What did you expect?

Monkey Gone to Heaven
Tony's Theme

No one in rock music can yelp like Black Francis. That moment when he screeches "THAT THE MOTHER MAKES WHEN THE BABY BREAKS" is just perfect.

I'm not sure, but I think that "guy spinning me over his head in the opening credits" line was probably the first time I saw the fourth wall being broke in film or television. Definitely one of the first times.

And, of course, Theedge.

Yeah, The Silmarillion is something like a Middle Earth history book/bible. It starts with the creation myth and then mostly takes place in the First Age of Middle Earth, which is thousands of years before the events of the Lord of the Rings (which takes place at the end of the Third Age). There's also a section

I dunno. The Tolkien estate has been pretty vocal about not liking the movies.

The thing is, though, I've SEEN the Star Wars universe done in a totally new way. Between video games and TV shows and fan films and stuff, there have already been plenty of reinventions of Star Wars. If this is gonna be Episode VII, then I'd like it to have that same feel that the rest had.

Agreed 100%. Wipes are like lightsabers and droids: it's not SW without them.