
But he’s the President!

Man, I havent been in this much disagreement with a review in a while. I thought this was the best episode so far of the season. I think Atlanta can sometimes over-reach and go too broad, but by just focusing on something small and expanding it to ridiculous proportions, it felt specific and unforced in a way that

What? It came up organically!

Chevy Chase once gave an awkward, uncomfortable performance in an airplane bathroom with Eartha Kitt.

Quick correction there, Danette: “The Shucker” is not the longest episode of Curb — “Opening Night” is, at a whopping 59 minutes. And that episode is brilliant, so I have no complains when Curb wants to go long. If the story is there, then running time shouldn’t matter.

Uh, there were no allegations (not even anonymous ones) on record and Kirkman denied her article was about LCK. And the origin of the story appeared to be a Gawker article.

Your mileage may vary.

All of those things are things he said during his act.

I don’t know about “Palestinian Chicken” funny — that’s one of the all-time great half-hours of comedy — but this was still damn good, much better than the premiere.

Research based on every piece of content available that pertains to this topic. No need to be an asshole about it. I don’t want Louis to be guilty just as much as you.

What I think based off of extensive research: I believe that Louis is kinda creepy with women, but never assaulted them; meaning that the Gawker rumors are totally bogus. Looking at Kirkman’s comments of Louis not physically harming her, but just creeping her out, and at Tig’s comments where the two had an “incident,”

I say this as a long time fan of CK, but I unfortunately feel like the reason people are quick to defend him on this matter is because we simply don’t want it to be true. Cosby was long past his prime when the stuff about him came out. It was disgusting, shocking, but how could you doubt the preponderance of

As a Mexican-American I can only hope its a taco bowl that does him in.

Ok, folks... time for a little reality check.

Counterpoint: Every track on 4:44 is very good.