
I think he did it. I also think people lost the forest for the trees, focusing on minutiae — did the call logs match up? — rather than the broader picture. You’d have to do unbelievable contortions to put this on someone else; yet for Adnan, it’s pretty straightforward. Unlike the movies, the proof isn’t always

These comments are shockingly unsympathetic. It’s sad, really. Compassion for other human beings (even men) is a good thing.

It’s admissible (party opponent, adopted admission (if Chapo had a final edit), and, potentially, statement against interest). Of course, the defense can challenge Penn’s understanding, recollection, credibility, etc. (Or, alternatively, someone can threaten Penn and his family if he testifies.)

The next question is whether Sean Penn has the balls to repeat that incriminating statement in court. He may have actually placed himself in real danger.

If you ask a random woman on a date in public you are a skeevy harasser. Sorry, but that’s the blowback.

For 2, you provided no meaningful reason to agree with you. Right off the bat, you indicated that the guy’s opinion was invalid because of his demographics. I know that, in the imaginary internet world, that’s supposed to have an illuminating effect, where people thereafter allow your wisdom to wash over them,