Gaius Wickser

is this a joke? Don't answer, I already know who I'm dealing with, a sad angry looser who likes to throw unsubstantiated accusations around. Everyone on on this site is that way it seems though. Mean, foul mouthed and spiteful. Pls don't reply, I've already got your number.

Clever is that the best you got, pinhead.

When all else fails there's always the F word, the preferred choice of people who have lost an argument, pathetic.

just telling it like it is chief, and that you for further proving my point.

In a world controlled by the drug companies where everyone has bought into the lie that drugs are the answer far be in from me to rain on anyone's dependency parade.

And your point?

Your little experiment I'm sure would be tainted by the fact your body has already changed chemically by the narcotics and you have developed a dependency both physically and mentally. Glad to hear they worked for you. You are one of lucky the few. In too many cases they aren't so lucky. Lives ruined by

I'm in no way denigrating Carrie, nor is this inappropriate, more like it's totally appropriate to raise public awareness about this epidemic, especially when it comes to the children. These drug pushing charlatans should be thrown in jail for child abuse and for all the lives they've ruined, all in the name of

Oh god, nice cliche, did you just think of that?

Feel better now?

Wow there are some nasty pro psych people on this site, must be a thing with you people.

Truth hurts huh Mr. Bong? Just go have another toke, everything will be fine…

Try this also:


Try this book for starters:

Google it dude:

Dostoyevsky’s take on Sarcasm:
Sarcasm is the last refuge of those with no real argument.
Sarcasm is the last refuge of the fool
Sarcasm is the Last Refuge of the Powerless.
Sarcasm is the last refuge of poor debaters.
Sarcasm is the last refuge of the incompetent
sarcasm is the last refuge of scoundrels
Sarcasm is the last

Clever, way to change the subject.

Ya think? 78 million Americans trapped on these poisons, 8 million of them children, sentenced in too many cases to a lifetime of side effects and drug dependency. And who benefits? The people who make the (phony) diagnosis and the drug companies.

The poster child for psychiatry’s failure and malpractice, whose “treatments” led to early demise, (newsflash: psych drugs are poisons and ECT damages internal organs) has a
fitting way to be laid to rest.