
I was actually thinking about this…didn't music players in those days have speed options? So while it'd wear out faster, he could crank up the speed really high on the tape, and it'd be like listening to it at normal speed.

Great! Now off to finish my review book for this week before picking up some Bujold. Thanks a lot for this.

I meant The Warrior's Apprentice, as I didn't know Shards of Honor existed. Bujold is someone I tried to pick up in middle school, but the only books they had were Memory, Mirror Dance, Komarr, and A Civil Engagement, none of which I found particularly easy to get into at that age. I wanted to pick her up later, but

Okay, I'm doing this a lot, but you guys seem to have a lot of information about books I've slid down the surface of, so: Do I start with book one? Or start in the middle?

Huh. Would I like it if I was a fan of Paegan Terrorism Tactics?

I misread that as "Skunk Cost Fallacy" and discovered a new name for my stoner-rock band

Especially when they killed off their entire cast after season 1

That'd be a hell of a night.

Whenever I check into a hotel, I always use the name Carl LaFong. That's Big C, little a, little r, little l, Big L, little a, big F, little o, little n, little g.

I have to say, while I'm still muddling around on the story missions aspect of things, it's a fun game with some truly excellent character work, and it says something that for once, the mass-murdering douchebag dictator is a lot more sympathetic, complex, and just flat-out more fun to be around than the honest and

I stand corrected

Also, on the subject of Gotham, I would prefer David Simon's Gotham, but know that is utterly impossible.

See, I knew the moment this shit landed on network TV that a Hellblazer TV show would not be what we were getting, and adjusted accordingly. Similarly, I will have to set the bar at a limbo champion height for the Preacher TV series. I like "competent" for Agents of Shield. It is a show that is doing all the things a

The pilot's completely non-indicative. And the last few episodes have actually been incredibly watchable. Also, unlike Agents of SHIELD, it doesn't remind me I could be watching a better show.

Well, they can't keep killing off the cast except John at the beginning of each season. That's too expensive.

You can't fool me. I heard their cover of "West End Girls".

Oh, I was way over-leveled, but the giant fuck-you worm about halfway through the game was just too much of a hassle when I had to keep going back and resupplying and then wearing down its health and then getting hit again.

Yeah. I liked it because it was a weird psychological film with some really strange moments, and then when the finale hits, that was the point it became one of my favorites.

Well, bullshit and human suffering. I have never seen any collection of journalists spin that much in so many directions in such a short amount of time.

Just gonna drop the mother of all ending changes that made me love a movie here: