
It is very weird to me that the AV Club has done more and more “quick blog post about a thing that’s trending on twitter” articles in the last year or two but the writers often seem unaware of why the thing they’re writing about is trending and uninterested in finding out. It’s fine (and probably healthy) to be

Maybe a remake of Star Wars: A New Hope, because pretty much nothing else would make sense?”

The Transformers fandom knows this. The amount of snark on the Transformers Wiki would be considered vandalism in other communities.

Yeah. Watched some of the early Gen 1 eps with my young kids, and they’re just... terrible. It’s not like Paramount destroyed a brilliant franchise.

yeah like, the idea of cars that turn into robots is inherently fun in a ‘whoa sick’ way, but even the tv series we all know and love mostly sucked.

Lay off the guy!

I used to visit this site a ton some 6-7 years ago. Visited now just out of curiousity and the drop in quaity here is astounding. Crazy that this is the same site that Charlie Jane and Annalee started. This is some gossiprag quality of article. A shame.

I haven’t, and have no interest in doing so. But I never said Whedon doesn’t have issues with sexualizing women. In fact, I have said the exact opposite many times, and even in my OP I said Whedon fetishised small breasts.

Whedon lazily reusing an immature sexist joke because he is underpressure from DC staff to “inject more humour” in the movie and refusing to listen to any pushback to his edicts is an issue that is completly different from reducing women to walking pair of big tits. Again, this is Joss Whedon we are criticizing here,

Why is it so hard to hold two positions at the same time that is both likely true.
Joss Whedon is an asshole. Justice League was bad because Justice League was a f***ing terrible production. You don’t have to link Joss Whedon to every bad thing. Especially when the bad things he is accused of are REALLY FUCKING BAD!

In my first conversation creatively with him, he kept accidentally calling “Diana” “Natasha,” which is crazy stuff.

Age of Ultron really isn’t that bad - flawed, yes, but not bad - and the blame for its flaws is not entirely Whedon’s fault - there is a reason Feigue moved to get rid of Perlmutter and the story comittee after AoU.

yeeesh hot take.

Birds of Prey making this list is proof positive that we need more female filmmakers.

Walter Benjamin is ruing the day he ever wrote about art in the age of mechanical reproduction.

Well said. Of course Rambeau isn’t the real hero of this show, it’s Wandavision, not Monicavision, how is that not clear?

You know what?

Hey, folks, if you’re running a story about someone coming under fire for offensive tweets...maybe mention, at some point, what is supposedly in those tweets? It’s kind of important information. Don’t even need to quote the tweets directly, but you do need to actually describe their contentjust a couple of sentences,

Monica’s “they’ll never know what you gave up for them” moment really rubbed me the wrong way. Wanda has my sympathies and she absolutely does the right thing in the end but the show has been very careful to point out that her spell did to these people what she most feared for herself - it separated them from their

“It was Agatha all along.”

Narrator: It wasn’t