Correlation is not causation. I blame Cheeto and his goons for outbursts of mayhem far more than I do Joker.
Correlation is not causation. I blame Cheeto and his goons for outbursts of mayhem far more than I do Joker.
The giant alien egg in the earth wasn’t a robot, though, was it? The Eternals were robots. (Yes, being absurdly semantic here.)
Hooray for ethnic and cultural diversity, but doesn’t the existence of literal gods and Celestials in the MCU suggest that that warlord who plagiarized the existing (also fictitious) monotheisms was just making stuff up?
The pre-release media frenzy over the supposedly incendiary flick went well beyond simple caution, IMO. If anything, it practically dared some unhinged miscontent to do the very thing it accused the movie of glorifying - and then the movie turned out to be about a sad loser who gives his own mother a bath. And the…
Remember when there was a lot of Very Serious Discourse about how Joker was going to be a horrifically incendiary movie that would inspire a legion of psychopathic incels to go on mayhem sprees, and then it turned out to be a pretty okay flick and nothing happened?
Consistently undercutting the OT with self-serving retcons is “reasonable”? I call it “poor storytelling,” but, okay.
So Ahsoka has become such an important and powerful character that the only plausible retroactive reason for her not being around during the OT is because her mission was more important, and her enemies more powerful than the Empire/Emperor?
But probably because she was so distraught to be fighting him that it didn’t really count, right? And then Ezra intervened?
Wow, that would be an even lamer explanation than hibernation! I’m honestly impressed. And I guess she would also have not seen what was going to happen to Luke’s temple and the Hosnian system? Or did she not want to interefere with those events, either? :D
Luke, obviously, would be mostly curious about where the heck she was when he faced off against Vader and the Emperor alone?
Isn’t the main question here “where the heck was Ahsoka when the Empire was deploying two Death Stars and nearly obliterating the Rebellion?” And, will the answer be more compelling than “she was hibernating” or “she was already looking for some twerpy kid outside the known Galaxy”?
This. It wasn’t the “weird art kid,” it was the “normal rich kid with nothing to say” who thought that buying a Daft Punk soundtrack would make him cool by osmosis. Also note how Kosinski mentions the storyboards before the script - he’s an architecture student turned filmmaker, and there's no shame in that, but being…
No Sith really have any interest in Dark side hierarchies.
People seem to be so besotted with the notion of Rey and Kylo transcending the Force’s established light/dark dichotomy that they genuinely seem not too grasp the pesky details that A) that idea was Kylo’s duplicitous BS, and B) is the complete opposite of what the movie actually concludes. (Ironically, only the hated…
TLJ was safe and derivative in thematic terms, and it flipped over the table (while derivatively recycling OT plot beats) in narrative terms. As SoftSac eloquently explains below.
By the end of The Last Jedi, Rey has not done anything Dark and Kylo has not done anything Light. Sith overthrowing their masters is textbook Sith, and Luke even says that Rey will rebuild the Jedi. The notion that the movie sets up some bold new path forward is unconnected from the text, and TFA was just as…
The point being, this is a discussion about legacy sequels, and Rise of Skywalker is a sequel to a movie that came out 2 years before it.
Flipping over a dinner table is not the same as cooking a meal. The Last Jedi cleared the decks, storytelling wise, but it didn’t set up s***.
Look, say what you like about The Rise of Skywalker, but there was very little wrong in that movie that wasn’t already wrong with The Force Awakens. Pissed they brought Palpatine back? The Force Awakens gave us a Palpatine in all but name. Pissed they made Rey’s lineage important? TFA pretty much explicitly demanded…
On the contrary, corporate support has done more for LGBTQ rights and inclusion generally than most other forces recently.