
Not only is this despicable, it’s testament to how ignorant and stupid these cretins are. Bad animation can be the result of slow tools, unfriendly tech, limited staff resources, and countless other factors (including but not limited to the fact that getting human faces to feel “human” is really friggin’ hard). That’s

That’s what I love about this game. There’s a sense of joy and discovery in it that goes beyond “collect a ridiculous number of randomly-placed things because it’s something to do” mentality of other open-world games. It’s just the fun of finding or doing something weird and getting rewarded for that. It’s really

That’s exactly it! There’s no like, glowing red sign saying Korok seed puzzle, but you look at something and go “huh, that looks kinda funny” and then you get pulled halfway across a mountain just cause three trees stood in a row funny.

Alright, I’ll take the hate. Mad Max Fury Road is not that great of a movie. It’s smart for a blockbuster ‘splosion-fest, but it’s not actually all that smart. It HAS an ecological gimmick, but it doesn’t say anything about it. It HAS a sexist main hero and strong women, but it doesn’t really say anything about