
@Please Help Me: We're going to Disney in early Dec.....I'm terrified for my 4 yr old son. Terrified for everything involved with flying....from the absurd groping of children, to the possibility of being blown up. I would cancel it if I could talk my wife into it.......this has destroyed all excitement for the

Unreal...the TSA is a disgrace to this country....not even worthy of rent-a-cop status. disgusting.

@Rhonda Huisman: nope...I'm older than 11....actually I am too old to be throwing my opinion around regarding music....or the perceived value of these hippie dinosaurs that I actually did listen to in high school....meh....My original point was that the Beatles on iTunes isn't worthy of a shrug...never mind a press

@Matt0505: I'm sure they will ...and it will be even more pathetic then.

@Mark Thomas: "Look at Mozart, Beethoven et al -"....Sorry ..the Beatles are not Mozart or Beethoven or Wagner.....please...don't insult those great composers by comparing them to a hippie rockband.

um....the Beatles were almost 50 YEARS AGO!....ugh.

Thanks Govt.......maybe next time take a look at how El Al airlines does it and save us the grief....common sense is your friend.

here in Ma. if a coyote attacks my dog I cannot harm the is illegal to harm them unless a person is in danger of death....I must let it kill my pet or face the judge.

Foxcon gets tougher all the time.

funny....I just dumped Facebook...just waiting 1 more week for the "full deletion"....I'd NEVER trust it with e-mail. Google is bad enough with snooping...Facebook is even worse.

"Or, you know, like your controller has polio." THAT'S what I'm talkin' '

"But why does it have to be there in the first place. Should you really be actively managing background apps?"......some of us like having more control....and would prefer a smaller device. Either way....I'm waiting for the Playbook.

the guy's voice is like nails on a chalkboard.


"Anytime you get gamers off the sofa and floundering around the