
I don’t get it. Why do people pay for something and then NOT use it? Are you muricans that rich?


Because all republicans are pissing their pants. None of them have the balls to go against Trump since his election. Even Paul Ryan did a 180 and withdrew all his criticism against Trump.

Maybe, just maybe, after thousand years of wars in Europe we were kinda hoping for at least a couple hundred years of peace and stability.

You forgot to mention the most important spec of the car ...

You might get bit by a Black Widow in a hotel with not enough stars.

Can they say that again in proper english? This sentence makes no sense whatsoever.

It would have been awesome if i didn’t have a Chromecast. Now this function has become obsolete.

The times they are a changin.

Not the apple way. Before Force Touch you had to click the name, wait, then click again to edit the name.

Considering that F1 revolves around cheating, they seem to be in the right place. They only have a problem with “not getting caught”.

Sell everything you get except the bike and use that money for new forks with decent brakes.