Where's freddiew ?
Although I prefer this previous remix of One Winged Angel by Nobuo Uematsu
Because One-Winged Angel is BadAzz!
in Valve Spaaaace-time!
I use the Offline Gmail lab feature.
@GizmoTron9000: It's mostly Live Panel a service that aggregates live web and application contents to a single customizable magazine-like layout on the home-screen. Probably a special Android home screen widget?
@Master_Soda: what about 10'' ? btw don't Google "10 inch" with "I'm Feeling lucky" button, just don't..
@metronome49: Is it surprising to see Spiderman in the woods? or is it surprising to see Spiderman hanging out with Venom and Daredevil?
@Moskau50: My bad. Though printing the design documents is probably the most DIYable part.
@Moskau50: assuming we still have internet to access their wiki in either the "3rd World" or in post-Apocalyptica
@gaelg: nah it's just a Marvel Cosplay in the jungle.
Peter Parker got an exclusive shot of Spiderman in holidays with his super-hero friends Daredevil and Venom!
@planb: "no video output feature" oh too bad.
@jPizza56: I wouldn't buy a PS3 if the NGP would be able to be used as a living room console, so that's bad for Sony's business.
@kevipants!: @Walternate: I should have RTFA, sorry about that.