Yep. Just 30 minutes ago, I called this network a self-parody of liberalism, where even the most innocuous shit gets shredded for being offensive.
Yep. Just 30 minutes ago, I called this network a self-parody of liberalism, where even the most innocuous shit gets shredded for being offensive.
Probs going to get my ass kicked for this but here goes anyway.
Well her name is Dutch and she’s from the Cape, so her lineage is almost certainly Afrikaner. Not that the Dutch colonial effort was any less anti-Black than the British - it might have been more militant in all honesty - but it’s quite a different story than that of the British incursion and eventual domination.
I agree. I’m just annoyed at the hypersensitivity these days. There are definitely plenty of worthy causes and fights out there. This wasn’t one of those. The problem is when you cry over nothing you only increase the push back against all your causes.
At this point, Steam users have successfully turned the review system into an irrelevant feature of the shop. It’s no longer a place to judge the quality of the game, but instead to express personal umbrage you take with whatever tiny and often irrelevant detail a game has. The old magazine world was dominated by…
Not sure if this is a gaming thing or just the world we live in but it seems like no matter what people find a reason to complain. When it comes to gaming I feel like developers are put in no win situations because they can’t possibly please everyone and they basically have to pick their poison.
That’s not a bodyguard pointing his gun at the shooter, that IS the shooter.