
The stuff on the left side is blue-shifted, so it is heading towards us rapidly. The stuff on the right side is red-shifted, so it is heading away from us rapidly. It's similar to the way Doppler radar works when determining wind speeds and direction within a storm. This actually looks like the couplet formed on

@MauricioHavok: Yeah, my cat Murphy has a mass of about 7 kg. He's a practical black hole...the attraction of my hand to pet his fur is irresistible...

@badasscat: Like the IBM PC110. Now THAT was an idea ahead of its time!!!!

Mythbusters destroyed this myth a few years ago. Even Gorilla Glass won't do it.



@KamWrex: The Kelvin scale is an absolute scale of temperature where if the temperature is doubled, the average kinetic energy of the matter is doubled. The Fahrenheit scale (invented by Daniel Fahrenheit) made salty ice water its designated zero point and his armpit as the designated 100 point, then divided up into

@bilbopoop: If it didn't, we wouldn't be here. Doesn't mean there was thought behind it. There are likely an infinity of universes. This one is conducive to life (as we know it), so life exists. With a hundred billion galaxies with an average of a hundred billion stars each and at least 13.7 billion years to work

So why do I need to eat constantly? :)

A person refuses to have their privates fondled at the gate and they are carted away. A kid refuses to follow rules on a plane and NOTHING happens to him. Comedian Charlie Viracola once said that on Planet Charlie, if you kid is acting like an a-hole in public and you don't beat your child...that WE can beat your

@Dapke36: Or make sure your fire subscription is up to date or the firemen will just sit idly by and watch your house burn to the ground. :(

Menorahs...not flammable. :)

I don't twitter and this won't entice me to join that mindless self-glorification service. If I joined, I would be tempted to tweet my bowel movements, so I think I'll pass.

Yes, but will it blend?

No big deal. Nowadays, even the honors kids don't bother to bring the required materials (pens, pencils, calculator, notebook, brain) to school in the first place.

Interesting...I had this exact same conversation with one of my students yesterday and a friend of mine on Sunday. We should have a We Disappointed Doc Brown Day on November 5th 2015. We disappointed ourselves, I think.

I live in Newburgh, NY, so technically some of the water molecules I have imbibed over the course of my life might have once passed through the urinary tract of George Washington. Now THAT'S history!

The haboob from hell.

@Curves: Storm chasing. Anyone who would be willing to do that...well, we would share a MASSIVELY common interest. Never met anyone in 7 years doing it...though to be fair, I don't go out much otherwise.

@mtfmuffins: It's not YOUR's my own. :)