They should have given her the chair or whatever form of death penalty is used there.
They should have given her the chair or whatever form of death penalty is used there.
Even though it was on guiness world records, I still don't beleive it.
I want one of those bike.
@maxwaver:I love them too, but you don't see me telling the whole internet about it now do you?
@brandegee:Ferrari is an Italian company, so they'd probably give you the cement shoe treatment.
@brandegee:Seeing as Ferrari is an Italian company, they'd probably give you the cement shoe treatment.
Excuse me? Did that just say that there is a TUNER FERRARI? This, my friends is what we would call an oxymoron.
@TheAstronot:I do.
I like that subaru. Then again, I have no particular favorite type of car. I like them all.
I wish the cops in my town had acess to something that cool.
That's pretty impressive, for a go kart.
@Peter S.: I've ridden in a regular one, not an ss, but I agree with you that those things are ugly.
I have a question, what do they do wit the cars after the race is over?
This should not be happening. I mean come on, a Camry? How lame can you get? If I were where this thing is, I would crush it, then rip its creators head and body limb from limb for making a crappy car even crappier.
I like the longchamp.
@ThnderbltDoherty:Thank you for stating the obvious. No, really, thanks. You deserve it.
I wish we had these for the DOT snowplows.