Oh really?
Oh really?
Are you serious?
Zahra is that you?
No doctor has ever called me a psychopath
Every doctor (1o +) say that I am disabled :)
I do love getting checks though!
There is something about getting 19k a year and pissed shit stains like you off that makes me happy
Dear Cake Boss,
Dear Cake Boss,
Dear Cake Boss,
This made me LOL!!!!!
I should probably stop reading but today I found one reason not to.
It is not often that a post can bring tears to my eyes and leave me dumbfounded but your post today did that. My opinion does not mean but in MY opinion you are a blessing to this place and the world. It truly feels great to wake up and read such…
How stupid are you?
Whipped vodka and orange juice.
Umm gawker and gizmodo
Enjoy your visit!
Of course I am being helpful.
message Celia and get author privileges. OR slaybelle
You rested today!!! that is what you did!
Went over to my neighbors and played cards
Cleaned my apartment too!!!
I HAS FURNITURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You watching tv?
so much poke!!
such slow replies cuz of kinja
How was your day?
you get the message?
I hope at someone point in the future that being a religious extremist is made criminal. The scum who fill the ranks of these groups deserve no place in society