Showing random peen is a problem how??
Showing random peen is a problem how??
That will likely get someone charged.
More wrinkles equals more growth normally
Spoiling ? Nope.
Because celebrating women wanting to be the bread winners is a bad thing RIGHT?
I've heard from a friend of a friend who goes to a school on the opposite side of the county that it helps with having an orgasm. I have no idea if that is true or not but warm socks sure helped during the fridge cold last week!
O___O Someone needs to take the day off of work and party!
How much coffee have you had this morning.. YOU SEEM EXCITED LOL
My GF demands that they stay on. SHE HATES ALL FEET
Like I said before, take your wrothless scum ass to radicalhub and go be friends with bugbrennen
"victim-blaming lying creep." That is you. You victim blame victims of sexual assault
DUDE!! Thanks for making me tap-phobic now.....
I freaking LOL'd
I hope all these disgusting freaks get pink eye from fecal material on their hands
Holy shit
I am a social work major. I have not been in school since the year 2005. I have only attended 9 months of school sine 2001. Last week ( the first week of my first semester) I had 7 pages of essays due :/
Slowly but I CAN!
1. You are a behavioral psychologist, and you have designed a behavior modification program to help little Johnny eat a healthier diet. Johnny’s mother objects to the program; she does not understand how something so simple and external could work. She wonders what you can accomplish without first understanding what…