
She is a shitty person. A horrible human being. She spreads hatred and lies

"( which might be why I don't live there anymore)."


Atlanta =! all of Georgia. Hell Georgia gives Atlanta little power in the States legislature due to gerrymandering. Also Atlanta can not ever elect a decent mayor LIEK EVER

It is fucking Georgia... what do you expect

You could still be one.

Are you second wave?

A full blown choice feminism is not positive.

I do not think that you understand how public transit works and who uses it

You think 5 counties is downtown?? DA FUQ?

I wear scarfs :/

"but that it's disappointing that a legislator whose political decisions so often negatively affect women has a better track record when it comes to workplace equality than our president."

You are fucking stupid.

You have down's? if not then dont fucking use it scumbucket

Does she still have her children?

"Again: it must be a hard time to be an innocent Steubenville resident. "

Meanwhile in America

Yet don't have a nanny state telling us what to name our kids...

Oh they have more than that. They have emails, private account info ( and media from those accounts ), conversations, The coach paid these scum and dubbed them the "rape crew"

They already did. I will not do your work for you.