
That and Greg Berlanti wrote for Dawson's Creek! But yeah, it was random.

I believe the issue isn't that Ontari killed the kids, but that she did it while they were sleeping. I think the actual killing ceremony part hadn't started officially yet. So, she technically "cheated"

I'm not quite clear on what Rebecca's family finances are, but Harvard has a really great financial aid program. Or at least it did when I went there, but I'm a bit younger than Rebecca.

I'm sure you've been told this before, but hating sports shouldn't stop you from watching Friday Night Lights! I hate sports, football in particular is the most boring thing in the world to me, and Friday Night Lights is one of my favorite shows ever. The show isn't reallyˆabout football.

Lyla I know ARGUS sucks a lot of the time, but you're the breadwinner in that household, you can't just quit! You got bills to pay! Think of baby Sara!

David Anders as evil!Zombie brain dealer is my favorite development so far.

Reviews are back! Yay!

I loved Switched at Birth this week. Daphne's cultural identity crisis really resonated with me. I moved to the States from Puerto Rico about 7 years ago. I didn't grow up as a minority so being one now has been interesting, sometimes confusing and definitely eye-opening. I could totally understand how the Vazquez

I came here to complain about the lack of shirtless guys. But then I read it was the last review for a while. I just caught up! :(

Also love this idea of the shared Switched/Fosters review.

I always get so excited when Wilke gets a shout out! Sigh, I know he's probably never coming back even with Carrie Diaries going up to TV heaven but a girl can dream.

Haven't seen the episode yet, but I'm glad there was an Emmett sighting.
Have Emmett and Daphne interacted in the last couple of episodes at all?

I don't actually have anything to add, but I don't want the reviews to go away.

I don't know how I feel about Bay's hand and the storyline. Do we need one more character who doesn't sign? Please let her hand be okay!

I will never get tired of seeing Deacon with a puppy. NEVER.

I'm intrigued by the idea of Maggie sleeping with Sebastian. Although it reminds me a bit too much of Rayanne sleeping with Jordan in MSCL, it could be a really interesting to see it play out.