By that logic, no car should ever receive a 10/10 for any sub-category because of future advancements. Or is a 10/10 in 1987 the same as a 10/10 in 2015?
By that logic, no car should ever receive a 10/10 for any sub-category because of future advancements. Or is a 10/10 in 1987 the same as a 10/10 in 2015?
Fiat Chrysler had a quality chief?
The rare one... So rare even the owner hadn’t heard of it he just knew who else had one.
There’s modeling and then there’s modeling. And this project to make a tiny moving V6 engine out of paper certainly…
....You were saying?
Heck I was wonder if there was a universal car(s) that Jalopnik could agree on. I think Rick is on to something with classic sports cars. I mean, who wouldn’t love a 300SL Gullwing?
I think the X6 should be here instead. This looks good to me.
The lack of this particular car in this particular list confirms: Jellopiknik is scared of a lawsuit!
I like it. Looks too much like a Bentley, and they need to ditch the wing-y badge for something original.
especially when you can just vinyl it for like $30
Carbon ceramic front breaks? What is this, Craigslist?
Went to build the 350R and was disappointed, but not all that surprised, that the only thing I could add was the Electronics Package and the black painted roof.
Props to the ONE guy smart enough to run the opposite direction the car is moving
Next week:
With those tail lights?
I understand your point, but it’s still not a good thing that Tesla - a company that exists to make money by selling cars - doesn’t actually make a profit selling cars. While all their expenses may not directly relate to building cars, at the end of the day they still need cover all their costs.
Okay, that is my bad for not catching that. Their actual operating loss is spread out over their cars sold. Their cash burn is a completely separate issue and is the $359m figure.
What does some mean? 100%? $50?