To add some levity, I’m still holding my reservation and will happily buy the CT when it comes out, if it’s not egregiously more expensive than when announced.
To add some levity, I’m still holding my reservation and will happily buy the CT when it comes out, if it’s not egregiously more expensive than when announced.
These photos r sexy af boi
From a Texas engineer,
I’m all for managing your own music library and having a dedicated device to curate, but I think y’all are just buying the wrong tech.
Keep your kids out of the street and buy a Hummer.
“Mad Men, but Step Brothers” hits so hard. Top notch journalism.
“It felt less like the car was propelling itself faster and faster, and more like it was tethered to an invisible slingshot that seemed to never stop pulling forward.”
This comment was published twice, please delete, Kristen.
I would watch a Suki and Gisele spinoff by itself. Drop in Monica (either one), Hattie, and Mia and I’ll preorder right now.
Not to shift the story but this is how I feel about having to pay taxes on used cars. Gov gets 10% every time someone sells the same object. Lame.
No further comments needed
Man I feel for the mechanics on this one too. They’re essentially being asked to do open heart surgery, but on monkeys.
I’m not mad at this. On the one hand, yes, parts replaced between a car’s 2nd and 3rd birthday isn’t a useful metric, that’s well within the warranty for most. And presenting the results as “yes or no” percentages don’t speak to how reliable something is (5 Hondas could have had 1 repair each, and 3 Chevys could have…
My thoughts exactly. Having lived in Houston and New Orleans, I found it odd that people found this odd. I’ve seen a few of those in person.
Been tryna do my own cluster. What hardware or service did you use? I can make the design, but I don’t know what to use to get the emblems to print translucent.
Speaking for all of Texas here, yall can go home with that “make it smaller” BS.
The last 2k I bought was 15. I was very good. I ended up at around a 94 with no dollar purchases by playing way too much (before the baby).
Stories about drama about people who work with cars are not car stories. Reel it back in, Jalop
Can this just be a car website?