Gabriel Van Handel

dude, Howie Long's scream death? Eeeeeahahhhhhhhhhh!

Broken Arrow is such a bizarre, over the top, what the fuck (even by woo standards) woo film centered on Travolta's wisecracks, Duane Eddy guitar riffs, Christian Slater's raspy grown up Gen-X charisma, pitch black broken windpipe gagging comedy ("HUSH!"), Howie Long's amazing monotone lifeless thing that he does on

dude I legitimately saw Broken Arrow four times in the theater while I was in fourth grade.

For anyone interested, Mark and I have been doing a weekly hour-long radio show together, mostly about film culture, for the last five years on Milwaukee's own, Riverwest Radio. Tune in live, Mondays @ 7PM CST on fm in Milwaukee on 104.1 WXRW, or listen online live at Or: