Been there, done that, didn't die.


My state is California. Our state food is Almonds since we stupidly produce most of them.

It looks like pink mold on top.

Last time someone banged on my window like that I got annoyed and backed into their vehicle.

Translation : We don’t want to actually parent our crotchfruit. We just want to leave them in front of the TV all day long with no supervision.

Sugar might not ruin your engine, but your car wont drive very far and will need to be towed to your mechanic where they will need to take it apart. Gonna be a biiiig bill.

I think its a really good idea for Russians to be buying as much food as they can. Precooked burgers are maybe not the best, but they can be frozen and will last a long time that way.

I read about it in the Guinness Book of World Records when I was a kid. I thought it was awesome back then. Pretty cool to see it brought back to life. Not as cool that its too long to be used.

Once they pulled that BS all you have to do is say “ Give me my money right now or I am going to the courthouse immediately to sue you”. They will write you a check immediately. Not sure why this guy didnt sue the hell out of them. He could have had his car paid off completely.

Its pretty cool. Toys for the ultra rich usually are.
They got quite the markup on them. I bet they have a 50% profit margin.

My coworker was bitching about gas prices and I expected him to blame biden for it like he does most things, but he actually blamed the oil companies for not using their leases. I was shocked.

Im fine with higher gas prices. They have been too low for far too long anyways. This is a great incentive for people to go electric. And it might be nice to have some more bikes riding along with me for my commute.

I am a fan of the Crystal Method.

Other than the mosler I like them.

If someone told me I cant go to the bathroom, I would ignore them and go to the bathroom. What kind of idiot is going to just hold it forever?

The meal breaks not being on time is unusual for hollywood, but in my opinion thats nowhere near what I would call a toxic workplace. Try working at a regular job and you go through much worse bullshit than that on a regular basis.

Nothing to do with being old. He just isnt famous. And certainly isnt a massive superstar.

Movie tickets are already way overpriced. Theaters are not disneyland. They are not overbooked, unable to contain more paying customers. They are dying from a lack of customers. Raising prices doesnt seem like the best answer to that.

People who lost on singing competition shows will have more name recognition than the people they got.

When I was a kid Morbius was my favorite comic series. Im pretty excited to see this. Plus Jared Leto is a great actor even if people on Kinja have a weird hate boner for him.