Been there, done that, didn't die.

Best movie of 1989 was UHF. But Batman was pretty damn amazing at the time.

Rick and Morty doesnt get huge viewership on TV when it first airs....but once you add all the viewers for all the airings of that episode it starts looking up. And Adult Swim also releases every episode in full for free, and its also on Hulu and HBO Max. Overall Rick & Morty is likely pulling in numbers similar to

I think they vastly overestimate the appeal and fame of the social media “stars”.

I was asked to explain crypto/blockchain to someone at work yesterday. I explained how it is all a pyramid scheme and you should run away from it, and the tech stuff is pointless. Someone else piped up with “yeah but if you got in early then you would be rich”, to which I replied “thank you for explaining what a

It isnt the car giving you motion sickness and getting a new one wont change anything if you are still driving badly on the same roads.

I agree.

Im really surprised there hasnt been a Magic the Gathering movie yet. Over 20 million people currently play, with many many many more than that having played at some point or another. It already has major characters and storylines, decades of comic books and regular books, ridiculous amounts of story possibilities.

I saw one in person today and its really ugly. The pics online make it look decent, but imo in person its horrid.

It wasnt a protest and they were not protesting. It was an astroturf campaign started by canadian separatists trying to dissolve Canada.

No idea what these go for restored, but I vote nice price. Its a cool looking car. Most of the remaining work can be done by patient amateurs, and there are plenty of shops that can tune an engine with carbs.

Im surprised their sales numbers are that high. I almost never see one, and I live in an area with tons of high end luxury vehicles. I see a ferrari every few days but an alfa maybe once a month.

If idiots stopped buying cars at inflated prices then sellers would lower them back to reasonable again. This is the fault of idiot buyers, not carmax.

QR codes are stupid and dangerous. I have refused to use them since they first came around. A traditional website link at least lets you see the name of the website so you can decide whether its safe or not. I predict qr codes will not last in their current form very much longer.

Weird Al puts on a great show. Highly recommend seeing him live if you get the chance.

I didn’t know there was a zoolander 2. So I just read the linked article on it. I may have seen the movie and totally forgot, because a lot of the description sounds familiar. But I cant even pull up one mental image of it.

The Cable Guy held up pretty well, and I think its significantly better than how the critics described it at the time.

What is custom about it?

What is custom about it?

Have not read the article but thats the easiest crack pipe ever. A 20 year old suv with over 200000 miles. Fucking lunacy.

CSB - I was out at the beach late one night. Bodega Bay, California where it is twisty roads along a cliff down to the beach. Had just gotten back to the top and heard a car coming really fast. It comes around the corner going 60+, and doesnt turn for the next corner. Just flies off the cliff. We ran over and the car

Maybe not in large cities, but smaller areas dont have the amount of cops available to let them only date within the force. As for EMTs, in my experience in my ultra liberal county they are also very liberal and are not likely to look upon cops too favorably. And they dont make much.