Been there, done that, didn't die.

Interesting that it was in the dirt. I was expecting the root cause to be under-chlorinated water, but it seems like this is just bad luck not negligence.

Ok, let me know when they decide to hire someone who is smarter than average. Hasn’t happened yet!

Karmann Ghias are extremely dangerous. Much safer to get the kid a really fast modern car than a deathtrap like the Karmann.

Those are still one of the ugliest cars ever made. And a weird paint job only makes it look worse. No way a 16yo wants to drive a shitbox like that. He might actually want to get laid at some point too.

These are great if you like getting pulled over and harassed by racist cops (who think you are Mexican) on a regular basis.

Those Lincolns are great cars. The Karmann Ghia is the only one thats a bad choice.

When I was a kid we would modify fireworks to make them much more exciting. Piccolo Petes were a favorite. Wrap them in tape, smash them up a bit and you now have a dangerous weapon...that also whistles.

You can’t get hired as a cop if you are above average intelligence. It’s possible that continually hiring stupid people could have contributed to this.

Well that was a heap of bullshit. Human food is fine for dogs. Giving your dog a bit of beer isnt going hurt it.

That price is a joke. That would be a tough car to sell at 2000.

Why bother trying to avoid it? At most its going to be a misdemeanor and a small fine. He won’t see jail for spitting.

Press a finger on the side of one nostril, and blow through your nose. If you have excess phlegm/snot you can shoot it through the other nostril.

Companies do (did?). When buying a fleet of cars, saving a few hundred per car adds up to a lot of money.

Pretty sure the Bugatti Veyron wins this competition.

I was 21 and did not have a lawyer. It was a $25 ticket, and lawyers start in the hundreds of dollars. If there had been any chance of it being a real ticket I would not even have bothered to try and fight it over $25. But in this case my car was on a lift with its engine out.

Most of the wineries are a bit further out in the countryside, unincorporated areas without police, only sheriffs and not enough of them to cover wineries. But the city cops do hang out around the bars at 2am and will indiscriminately pull people over. No reason needed other than you were in the vicinity of a bar.

My experiences in court are that judges will take the word of a cop over anyone else, even when there is proof the cop is lying.

I’m in Sonoma County. Have had cops enter private property in the middle of the night, twice, to leave tickets on cars. Sonoma County cops are some of the biggest pieces of shits I have met. Virtually all of them are corrupt, on the take. Tons of murderers in their ranks too.

Twitter did it. Have they lost a ton of revenue after banning their most famous user and hundreds of thousands of his followers? Nope, they have been doing great. It turns out that getting the toxic crap off your site actually helps business.