Good point. I didnt even think of that. They are all old now and age takes its toll on your voice for sure.
Good point. I didnt even think of that. They are all old now and age takes its toll on your voice for sure.
They need to get rid of those channels too. Yes, they need better defined and enforced rules and a lot more moderation.
Twitch really needs to start handing out perma bans, and eliminate the soft porn channels completely. There are a ton of other sites you can go be a whore on. No need to do it on the site specifically made for gaming. Twitch thinks they need the business, but they really dont and keeping the porn channels active is…
The first Simpsons music album was the first cassette tape I ever got. Good times.
2.6/5 rating. That is a dealer to avoid at all costs, regardless of how much you want a car he has in inventory.
I am a big fan of the simpsons. Been watching since episode 1 when I was not even a teenager. I think the show has remained pretty good overall. But the musical numbers have gotten substantially worse over time. There are no Monorail quality songs on the Simpsons anymore. I think the last good song they had was around…
This was the second lab that tested subways “tuna”. The first tests were what started the lawsuit in the first place.
That subways tuna is not tuna shouldnt surprise anyone. Their chicken is mostly soy. Every other “meat” they sell is processed turkey mixed with water, soy, msg and flavorings.
McDonalds is healthier than subway.
Right after these came out, my gf and I were new car shopping. It checked off what we needed in a car so we went to go test drive one. I could not drive it. The interior was designed so poorly that my 6'4 frame could not sit in a way that made it driveable.
The driving tests we have don’t help with public safety because the tests are way too easy. They need to be made substantially harder.
That is very incorrect. They both make the same starting wage. But some people seem to think that a bartender pouring a soda is worth $1 extra per soda, while a fast food employee pouring a soda is worth nothing.
The same rate that bartenders make in the majority of the country.
I love this movie but only when I am really high. Its humor is a bit too slapstick for me when I am sober.
Nothing has stopped you from handing them a dollar.
I don’t tip at bars unless there is actual work that went into my drink. Open a bottle of beer, no tip. Pour a soda, no tip. Make a bloody mary, then you deserve a tip.
I used to manage a Budget. We never charged anyone the smoking fee. Just sprayed a bunch of lysol and febreze in every vehicle. It wasn’t worth the effort of arguing with people for something that we could not prove. And almost every vehicle would have pot smoked in it anyways.
The generic store brand at raleys/safeway is better tasting, 1/3 the price, and wont be stale.
The Mona Lisa is overrated. Not a huge loss if it was to be eaten. And no way is it worth 60 billion. Items are only worth what they can actually sell for and nobody is going to fork out 60b for a painting.
How dare they call this disease that was transmitted to me sexually a sexually transmitted disease!
If you rank them by how much americans eat of each, then corn wins by a huge margin. The others are not even in the same league. Corn is a large percentage of the american diet and is probably the most eaten food in America. The others are not. Especially not broccoli.