Been there, done that, didn't die.

As a man of above average height, when it come to armrests I take both regardless of which seat I am in. I am bigger than you with broader shoulders, and I need them more. And since there isnt enough room for my legs to go straight in front of me, I will be taking some of your leg space too.

There are other articles about it online where they interviewed locals.

Multiple reasons - 1) no proof. Every thing is on video nowadays, except this. 2) If it seems to ridiculous to be true, then it probably is a fake. 3) No injuries. Quick and massive pressure changes cause major injuries for humans. 4) Humpback whales dont eat people, or anything near our size. They actively avoid

Coal miners are overwhelmingly republican. Republicans overwhelmingly support the right of drivers to hit protesters.

This is pretty obviously fake, a hoax. I’m surprised so many people are taking it at face value.

Update - it was in my sidebar tonight. I marked it as not interested. It could have shown up from me going to this article though, tough to say.

I have not had it in my recommendations or sidebar, or at least I didnt notice if I did. But I have never watched anything true crime related on youtube either. My recommendations that are not channels I watch on a regular basis is usually cute animals or cooking stuff.

I bought a soda with vinegar last week, from a local grocery store thats like a whole foods. Didnt realize it had vinegar until I started drinking it. While it wasnt horrible I would not buy it again.

Question for everyone —- What is the fastest you have gone on a public road?

Those three people you know regularly report other cops misdeeds right? They don’t believe in the blue line, and totally support bad cops getting charged and going to jail right?

Cop wages are not the same as everyone else.

On an empty road at night too. Its not like she was doing 90 in traffic or speeding in school zones.

Exactly. In my area we don’t have black people (1%ish). The cops go after hispanics and poor whites instead.

He wasn’t. He was being serious.

He was being completely serious. Gohmert is a moron.

All 3 are morons but they are all significantly smarter than Gohmert.

It was definitely not a joke. Gohmert is a moron.

No, you are completely wrong.

It was definitely not a joke. Gohmert is a moron.