
Let him run,and make total ass of himself. Love I run puppet...

Racoon ? Lol what a dope and why would mr winner ! Want these statutes up anyway didn’t the south lose ?

If the cops were doing there job they would be at the top of the hill stopping them frpm going down instead they were waiting at the bottom causing bodly harm and pain. there just being A -Holes

Man what a retard this guy is, They say that it was one of Trumps own people in the Campaign that Ratted Donald JR out,There reson was because he was such an arrogant A - Hole he would walk around repetitive how Ritch he was and look down at the help, They said he had a nick name they called him Frado be hide his

Not only that but this is America and in this Country you have the right to just say No !

Dude you beat your wife that’s just wrong, Son

You think that will solve this issue ? Maybe it will solve yours too ...What do you think.

Teamsters never left Son there still here...

.Don’t get me wrong but I don’t think we’re getting the full story, Iv leased a truck before against my better judgment. But I’ll tell you about it in a minute.

I’ll bet all everyone with a scrap of common sense, That the “96% of majority un-remorsfull Trump voters” Would tell you they understood every single one of those replies and you’re just being picky.

I’ll bet everyone with a scrap of common sense, That the “96% of majority un-remorsfull Trump voters” Would tell you they understood every single one of those replies and you’re just being picky. Trump is the most intelligent President in Americans history, Saying look how much money he has he worked hard for what he

Let me see if I got this right , We have a president who is driving this Country into the ground, Hundreds of people who just got killed with poison gas by a Syrian madman , America’s on the brink of a War , Thousand of American child go to bed hungry , THEN YOU HAVE A BUNCH OF CRYING CHEER LEADING PROSTITUTES. MAD